

Diploma Thesis

  • Ana-Ilinca Munteanu, Master Thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Klaus Diepold: "Coincidence Alarms in CTG Monitoring", 2021
  • Alexander Schaermann, PhD-Thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Marc Zornow: "Systematische Bedatung und Bewertung umfelderfassender Sensormodelle", 2020
  • Christoph Horlebein, Master-Thesis with Rehabilitation Engineering Lab (ETHZ), Prof. Roger Gassert: "Design of an Experimental Setup and Evaluation of Neural Coupling Reflex Detection", 2020
  • Ryan Ramsey Hosn, Bachelor-Thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Klaus Diepold: "Jump Assessment with Mobile Sensors", 2019
  • Sille Kima, Master-thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Klaus Diepold, "Update of MEDDEV guidelines for clinical evaluation reports: impact for medical device manufacturers on the example of Trium CTG Online", 2018
  • Raphael Altmik, Master-Thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Klaus Diepold: "Implementation of the web-based platform ‘IndiBelt’", 2018
  • Benedikt Mainzer, Master-Thesis with Hochschule Landshut, Dept.for Electrical and Industrial Engineering, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Remmele, "Auswirkungen der Trageposition des actibelt auf die Datenauswertung und mögliche Detektion von weiteren Vitalparametern", 2018
  • B. Eng. Karl Müller, Master-thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Klaus Diepold: "Verifizierung eines mobilen Akzelerometers hinsichtlich seiner Messgenauigkeit und Zeitgenauigkeit", 2017
  • Christopher Weber, Master-Thesis with Chair of Data Processing, TUM Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prof. Klaus Diepold: " Die Dezelerationsfläche als prognostischer Parameter des fetalen Outcomes", 2016
  • M. Eng. Cristina Soaz PhD-Thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Prof. Klaus Diepold: "Integrated Accelerometry-Based System for Functional Mobility Assessment and Fall Detection", 2015
  • Nicole Ellenrieder, Bachelor-Thesis with Prof. Volker Reuter, Prof. Manfred Willhelm, Hochschule Ulm, Fakultät Informatik - Medizinische Dokumentation und Informatik: "Statistische Analyse von Laufdaten und Untersuchung möglicher Ansätze für einen Parameter zur Bestimmung der Laufqualität", 2015
  • Florentin Förschler, Bachelor-Thesis with Prof. Matthias Edler-Golla, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München: "Angewandte User Experience Optimierung am Beispiel ‚actibelt’ - Bewegungsmessung in klinischen Studien", 2015
  • Paul Subkowski, Bachelor-Thesis with Prof. Klaus Diepold, TU Munich, Institute for Electrical Engineering and Information Technology: "Entwicklung eines Schritterkennungsalgorithmus", 2014
  • Katharina Steer, PhD-thesis with TUM Munich, Dept. of Psychiatry und Psychotherapy (Klinikums rechts der Isar), Prof. Förstl: "Schizophrenie & Depression", 2013
  • Julia Katharina Widl, Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors der Medizin: "Die Verwendung des actibelt® zur Untersuchung von morbogenen und pharmakogenen Einflüssen auf die körperliche Aktivität bei Patienten mit depressiven Störungen", 2012
  • Julia Endres, Master Thesis with Donau-Universität Krems/Austria, "Untersuchung zu funktionellen Parameter, Aktivität und Teilhabe in der Mobilität bei Schlaganfall-Patienten", 2012
  • Matthias Fasching, Master Thesis with IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria "Exercise therapy in multiple sclerosis: state of research and recommendations for future trials", 2012
  • Rosemarie Geenen, Master Thesis with Fachhochschule FH Campus Wien, MAXI-Studie: "Eine Pilotstudie zur Anwendbarkeit der akzelerometrischen Messung (Actibelt®) von Aktivität im Alltag von Kindern mit Cerebralparese unter maximaler Intervention der Robotic Medicine (Lokomat®)
  • Kokkalis Alexandros: "Spatio-temporal parameter assessment of the human gait using simple biomechanical models", 2010
  • Michaela Schimpl, Bachelor/Master program in Science in Engineering, Biomedical Informatics; with University of Applied Sciences, Hegenberg, Austria: "Automatic parameter extraction from 3D acceleromic data", 2010
  • Fabian Franzelin: Bachelor-Thesis with Prof. Nassir Navab, TU Munich "IT-Tools zur On- und Offline Analyse von Einzelschritten, die mit dem hochauflösenden 3D-Akzelerometer actibelt® aufgezeichnet werden", 2009
  • Christoph Türmer, Bachelor-Thesis, with TU Munich, Institute for Realtime Computersystems, Prof. Färber/Chakraborty: "Ganganalyse fokussiert auf Stolpern mit Hilfe des 3D-Beschleunigungsmesssystems actibelt", 2009
  • Dipl. Stat. Alexandra Thiele with Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fahrmeir, Faculty for Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich: "Matching-basierte Prädiktion bei unvollständigen Modellen", 2009
  • Dr. med. Christine Frohnmeyer: "Validity of Computerized Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring - A Case-Control Approach", 2008
  • Dr. med. Andrea Thieme, PhD: "FIGO criteria for CTG analysis and fetal scalp blood sampling in subpartal monitoring", 2008
  • Dr. med. Sylvia Elsemann, PhD: "CTG Telemonitoring at the mothers home - a feasibility trial", 2008
  • Dipl. Stat. Martin Slawski. "Regularization and sparsity in discrete structures", Diploma Thesis, Faculty for Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich, 2008
  • Dipl. Tech. Math. Gerrit Kreuzer: "Modellierung einer realistischen Raum-Zeit-Trajektorie aufbauend auf elementaren Bewegungseinheiten", Diploma Thesis with Prof. Spohn, Institute for Mathematics, TU Munich, 2008
  • Dipl. Math Celiné Schöne: "Hidden-Markov-Modell und Autokorrelationsfunktion zur Bewegungs- und Gangklassifikation dreidimensionalen Beschleunigungsdaten", Diploma Thesis with Prof. Spohn, Institute for Mathematics, TU Munich, 2008
  • Dipl. Stat. Birgit Schrödle: "Multi-state models for interval censored event history data: An analysis of multiple sclerosis progression", with Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fahrmeir, Faculty for Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich, 2008
  • Dipl. Stat. Christine Porzelius: "Microarray-based prediction with emphasis on clinical parameters", Prof. Tutz, Department of Statistics, LMU and Prof. Strimmer, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, University of Leipzig. In Cooperation with Prof. Kappos, University of Basel, 2007
  • Dipl. Stat. Elisabeth Gnatowski: "Stability of methods for the analysis of differential gene expression", Diploma thesis with with Prof. Fahrmeir, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich and Prof. Strimmer, Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, University of Leipzig. In Cooperation with Welcome Trust Sanger Institute, University of Cambridge / National Blood Service and International School of Technical Medicine and Clinical Bioinformatics / Porticus foundation., 2007
  • Dipl. Sport Science Lorenz Lachmann: "Machbarkeit für Aktivitätsstudie bei MS Patienten", Dr. Tusker, Institute for Biomechanics, TU Munich, 2007
  • Dipl. Inf. Christof Niedermayr: "Detection and removal of facial features in volume MRI scans", diploma thesis with Prof. Navab, TU Munich, in cooperation with Rinnecker proton therapy centre, 2007
  • Dipl. Ing. Jalal Serfrioui: "Design und prototypische Realisierung einer telemedizinischen Plattform für mobile Schwangerschaftsüberwachung", - diploma thesis with Prof. Färber, Institute for Electrical Engineering, TU Munich, 2007
  • Dipl. Math. Franziska Bayer: "Mathematische Aspekte der nichtlinearen intensitätsbasierten Bildregistrierung", diploma thesis with Prof. Hoffmann, Institute for Mathematics, TU Munich and Prof. Wolinsky, Houston, 2007
  • B.Sc. Nadja Harner: Modellierung von Verweildauern fürPatienten mit Multipler Sklerose (MS)", Master Thesis with Prof. Fahrmeir, LMU Munich, 2007
  • Dipl. Phys. Thomas Goßner: "Design of a motion model and validation using different tracking systems for continuous MS patient monitoring", TU Physics, with Prof. Navab, Computing Faculty and Computer Aided Medical Procedures, TU Munich, 2007
  • Dipl. Math. Katrin Noack: "Klassifikation von Dezelerationen", diploma thesis with Prof. Spohn, Institute for Mathematics, TU Munich und University of Fortaleza, Brasilien, 2007
  • Dipl. Math. Oec. Martina Güntner: "Predicting the natural history of multiple scoerosis in patients seen from disease onset", diploma thesis with Prof. Unwin, Institute for Mathematics, University of Augsburg, 2007
  • Dipl. Math. Tech. Kathrin Thaler: "Acquisition, preprocessing and analysis of high-resolving, 3-dimensional accelerator-data for the determination of the activities of MS-patients", with Prof. Spohn, Centre for Mathematics, Applied Probability Theory / Statistical Physics, TU Munich, 2006
  • Lachmann L.: "Multiple Sklerose und Bewegung - eine Studie zur Aktivitätsmessung mittels Akzelerometrie", Diploma Thesis, 2007
  • Gossner Th.: "Experiments and Validation of a Three-Dimensional Accelerometer in a Belt Buckle - ActiBelt - for Continuous Multiple Sclerosis Patient Monitoring", Diploma Thesis, 2007
  • Dipl.-Inf. Eugen Richter: "Computergestützte CTG-Analyse mit Fuzzy-Methoden", with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Appel, faculty of electrical engineering and information technology, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, 2006
  • Thaler K.: "Akquisition, Vorverarbeitung und Analyse von hochaufgelosten, dreidimensionalen Beschleunigungsdaten zur Aktivitätsbestimmung bei MS-Patienten", Diploma Thesis, 2006
  • Dipl.-Stat. Moritz Heinz: "Validation Processes of Results in Biomedical Research Centres” (german), with Prof. Ickstadt, Dept. of Statistics, University of Dortmund, 2005
  • Dr. med. F. Seiffert: "An internet based system to assess the inter- and intraobserver variability of biosignals", with Prof. Schneider and Prof. Neiß, Obstetrics & Gynecology/Medical Statistics, Technical University of Munich, 2005
  • Master Stat. Nadja Harner, Bachelor thesis: "Validation and Optimization of the FIGO Criteria for CTG Analysis", with Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fahrmeir, Faculty for Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Department of Statistics, LMU Munich, 2004
  • Dipl.-Stat. Anneke Neuhaus: "Modelling time to progression", with Prof. Küchenhoff, Dept. of Statistics, LMU Munich, 2003
  • Dipl.-Inf. Christian Harböck: "Software Development of medical products according to European and US guidelines using the example of an internet based CTG monitoring system using LabVIEW, National Instruments", with Prof. Broy, Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, (Chorafas award), 2002
  • Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Seliger: "Concept and partial implementation of an internet based BSCW system for the management of highly secure medical data", with Prof. Schlichter, Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, 2002
  • Dipl. Stat. Thomas Schindler: "The delayed Moving Window Algorithm for On-line CTG-Analysis" with Prof. Fahrmeir, Institute for Statistics LMU, and with Prof. Neiß, Institute for Medical Statistics and Epidemiology, Technical University of Munich, 2002
  • Dipl.-Inf. Thomas Diederich: "Modelling and development of an architecture of a mission critical communication and storage system at the Institute for Medical Statistics and Epidemiology",with Prof. Broy, Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, 2001
  • Dipl.-Inf. Christian Hoffmann: "III- internet base intelligent vaccination service", with Prof. Schlichter, Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, 2001
  • Dipl.-Inf. Dimitrios Golias: "Computerized CTG analysis with LabVIEW",(2nd award "Building the future", National Instruments), with Prof. Schweikhard, Computer Science, Technical University of Munich, 2000

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