SPaM in Labour Workshop 2024
Jul 2024

The 5th edition of SPaM will be held from July 1 to 3 in the astonishing frame of Sardinia, Italy, and precisely in its capital, Cagliari, a thousand-year city built on seven hills (yes, like Rome) and in front of a 12 km sandy beach in the warm Mediterranean sea.

The SPaM workshops provide a friendly forum for people with expertise across different fields, who are learning to speak the same multidisciplinary language and keep pushing forward the research in intrapartum monitoring. Anyone interested in intrapartum fetal monitoring and/or passion for healthy labour outcomes is welcome, including medical doctors, midwives or other health care professionals, mathematicians, engineers, PhD Students, members of the public or industry representatives.

Videos of all presentations:

Call for Papers - Digital Biomarkers Digital Biomarkers for Motion Detection
Jun 2024

We are excited to announce a call for papers for our upcoming Article Collection on "Digital Biomarkers for Motion Detection" in our journal Digital Biomarkers. We invite researchers, clinicians, and technologists to contribute original research articles, reviews, and case studies exploring the field's cutting-edge developments.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1. Disease-Agnostic Digital Biomarkers: Universal digital biomarkers for monitoring motion.
2 .Device-Agnostic Digital Biomarkers: Advancements in identification and validation.
3. Real-World Data: Leveraging everyday data on motion for health insights.
4. Neuromuscular Diseases (e.g., Multiple Sclerosis or Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy): Innovations in diagnosis and monitoring, tracking disease progression, and enhancing patient care.
5. Exercise and Movement: Digital monitoring for optimizing physical activity.
6. Wearables, Sensors, and Ingestibles: The latest in wearable health technology and internal health monitoring.
7. Accelerometry: Precision motion detection and analysis.
8. Cardiotocography (CTG): Digital approaches in fetal monitoring.

CTG XPERT ImPuls Online-Workshop April 2024
Apr 2024


08.20 Begrüßung und Einführung
W. Janni, F. Reister, S. Andres
Moderation: A. Schmid
08.30 Geschichte und Evidenz des CTGs: Am Puls der Zeit.
Evidenzlage zur CTG-Beurteilung
H. Schäffler
09.00 Physiologische CTG-Interpretation: Den Puls
verstehen – Kardioregulation des ungeborenen
M. Bolten
10.00 Pause
10.15 Hypoxieformen – Fetale Kompensation und
Dekompensation unter Geburt
S. Andres
11.15 Chronische Hypoxie – Baby fit for labour?
F. Reister
12.00 Pulsmesser und digitale Biomarker: Das CTG-Gerät
und Machine-Learning-Programme
M. Daumer
12.30 Mittagspause
13.15 Maternale Impulse: Maternale Stressreaktionen
und Auswirkungen auf das Kind
B. Hüner
13.45 Am Puls des Geburtshelfers – Faktor Mensch
C. Scholz
14.15 Austrittsphase: Herztöne unter Druck – Gebrauch
von Prostaglandinen und Oxytocin
S. Andres
15.15 PausePROGRAMM
15.30 Mikroblutuntersuchung: Ein Puls-treibendes Thema,
S. Andres, F. Reister
16.15 Herztöne in besonderen Situationen: Das gesamte
klinische Bild
M. Bolten
16.45 Ausblick und Verabschiedung
F. Reister und S. Andres

ACT EU multi-stakeholder workshop: A patient-centered approach to methodologies
Mar 2024

Digital Endpoints
Moderators: Jesper Kjaer (DKMA), Thorsten Vetter (EMA)
Presenters: Martin Daumer (School of Computation, Information and Technology), Lada Leyens (Takeda), Laurent Servais (Oxford University)

The session opened with presentations on the development and validation of digital endpoints from an academic perspective, followed by the EFPIA perspective on opportunities and challenges in validating digital endpoints. Lastly, experience with the EMA qualification procedure for the "Stride velocity 95th centile" (SV95c) as a qualified primary endpoint for studies in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy was presented.

Key challenges identified by stakeholders
1. It is difficult for a single developer to generate sufficient high-quality data needed for the development, validation and qualification of digital endpoints.
2. With the (IVDR), Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and Pharma Legislation, multiple regulatory frameworks apply within the EU that are difficult to navigate and are not always aligned. Furthermore, there is a lack of international harmonisation.
3. Evidentiary requirements for validating and qualifying digital endpoints are not clear.
4. Including (too) many measures to generate evidence for the development and validation of new (digital) endpoints in a clinical trial puts burden on patients, challenging patient retention and trial conduct.

How to improve patient-centricity
1. Involvement of patients from the earliest stages in the development of new endpoints and digital measures is key to ensure relevance and practicality.
2. Ensure proportionality in generating data for the development and validation of a new endpoint in a clinical trial, balancing the burden of the patients participating in the trial with the benefit of developing a new relevant endpoint.

Suggested ways forward to address the challenges
1. Build on the experience of the CHMP Qualification Opinion for a digital endpoint in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (SV95c), as well as other examples, regarding evidentiary requirements and processes as well as scientific and technical learnings in the development of digital endpoints in related diseases.
2. Stakeholders should engage in early regulatory dialogue using the available support platforms: EMA support to SMEs, EMA Innovation Task Force briefing meetings, EMA Scientific Advice for product specific methodology development, EMA Qualification of Novel Methodologies.
3. To accelerate the development and validation of digital endpoints in a learning eco-system, the pre-competitive collaboration of stakeholders needs to be increased, including data sharing by clinical trial sponsors and secondary use of clinical trial data. Therefore, it is important to make optimal use of public-private partnerships and support the development of novel pre-
competitive collaboration frameworks for the development, validation and qualification of ACT EU multi-stakeholder workshop on methodology guidance – workshop report 11digital endpoints that encourage the translation of new technology into clinical research in practice.
4. Improve the alignment between Regulatory Agencies, HTA bodies and Notified bodies within Europe and harmonise regulatory requirements internationally.
5. Increase the clarity of existing regulatory pathways for digital endpoint qualification and consider process improvements, in particular on the need for Digital Health Technologies to be certified as medical devices by Notified Bodies based on the MDR/IVDR and documents needed for clinical trial applications.
6. Provide guidance on the evidentiary requirements for the qualification of digital endpoints for use in clinical trials.

Changes in real-world walking speed following 60-day bed-rest
Mar 2024

"The aim of this work was to explore whether real-world walking speed (RWS) would change as a consequence of 60-day bed-rest. The main hypothesis was that daily RWS would decrease after the bed-rest, with a subsequent recovery during the first days of re-ambulation."

Marcello Grassi, Fiona Von Der Straten, Charlotte Pearce, Jessica Lee, Marcin Mider, Uwe Mittag, Wolfram Sies, Edwin Mulder, Martin Daumer, Jörn Rittweger

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