March 26th 2024, 08:40-16:00 CET | IN-PERSON
TranslaTUM - Central Institute for Translational Cancer Research
Einsteinstraße 25 (Building 522)
81675 Munich, Germany
Register until March 15th, 2024
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Scientific Committee
Benedikt Schoser (DE)
Sabrina Sacconi (FR)
Gabriele Siciliano (IT)
Local organizing Committee
Federica Montagnese
ENMD Advisory Board
Gabriele Siciliano, (IT)
Sabrina Sacconi (FR)
John Vissing (DK)
Corrado Angelini (IT)
Teresinha Evangelista (FR)
Hans Lochmuller (CA)
Valeria Sansone (IT)
Benedikt Schoser (DE)
Antonio Toscano (IT)
Invited Speakers
Corrado Angelini (IT), António Marques Atalaia (FR), Jan Baumbach (DE), Nicolas Dubuisson (BE), Teresinha Evangelista (FR), Lorenzo Guizzaro (EMA), Alaa Hamed (USA), Jean-Yves Hogrel (FR), Sophie Lehnerer (DE), Hanns Lochmüller (CA), Marco Lorenzi (IT), Federica Montagnese (DE), Nicole Voet (NL), Sabrina Sacconi (FR), Valeria Sansone (IT), Angelo Schenone (IT), Markus Schlobohm (DE), Benedikt Schoser (DE), Eric Schott (DE), Gabriele Siciliano (IT), Maike Stein (DE), Barbara Tettenborn (CH), Antonio Toscano (IT), John Vissing (DK), Arthur Miller (UK), Paola Alberti (IT), Stephan Wenninger (DE), Tiffany House (USA)
Download all workshop presentations:
Advancing Healthcare through Innovative Technologies and Computational MedicineAdvancing Healthcare through Innovative Technologies and Computational Medicine
Exploring Cutting-Edge Research in Medical Sensors, AI, and Health Analysis
August 3rd 2023, 9:00 - 13:45
TranslaTUM - Central Institute for
Translational Cancer Research
Einsteinstraße 25 (Building 522)
81675 Munich, Germany
Download presentations:
Maybe the most important question for technology in 2023, with the development of large language models and all that, is not what techology can be sold to do, but rather, what is it truly ready for? There is a delicate balance between luddite overregulation and reckless underregualtion, which is why I shamelessly promote my (our) own paper on this theme in JMIR.